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 Transfer  from Colombo airport 55$ (minivan, passenger car)



from Colombo airport

55 $

(minivan, passenger car)

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  • What's in the suitcase

What's in the suitcase

Что в чемоданThe fewer things you put in your suitcase, the better you will feel in the future. Firstly, apart from a swimsuit, T-shirts and shorts, you really don't need anything, and secondly, returning home, you can fill it with all sorts of gifts for your loved ones. Tea and fruits are what you always want to take with you from this fragrant tropical country.

And so, the most necessary is: first aid kit, flip flops, swimsuit, T-shirts, shorts, long skirt or trousers (if you are going to go to temples), hygiene products, waterproof cream with a high level UV protection, camera or camera, dollars.

What you probably won't need: 8 pairs of hairpins, false hair, eyelashes and nails, a bag of cosmetics, evening dresses, jewelry.

Regarding the laptop, decide for yourself, all of our rooms have wi-fi.

If you need a telephone connection, you can buy a dailog card at the airport upon arrival. Communication is very convenient and inexpensive.

It is better to change money at the airport at a minimum. The rate is often very overpriced.

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